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Investment Casting (Vacuum Casting and Atmospheric Casting) Superalloy For Turbine

Incoloy 800, Incoloy 825, Inconel 600, Inconel 713, Inconel X750, Monel400, Hastelloy C276

May 8, 2023

In investment casting, vacuum casting and atmospheric casting belong to the category of gravity casting, but the atmosphere during casting is different. Today, investment casting manufacturer Artisan will introduce the differences between these two pouring methods.

Atmospheric pouring

What we usually see is atmospheric pouring. If the metal liquid comes into direct contact with the atmosphere, it will oxidize and produce oxide inclusions; During pouring, molten metal may be drawn into foreign gases, which may cause invasive pores if they cannot be discharged; Before pouring, the molten metal must be refined, and different metals have different refining priorities, such as aluminum alloy refining and steel refining. Aluminum alloy refining mainly involves removing hydrogen and oxide inclusions, while steel involves deoxidation, removing hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxide inclusions; The pouring temperature of molten metal is relatively high because under atmospheric conditions, the heat dissipation speed of the metal is very fast; The fluidity of metal liquid is related to the superheat of the metal liquid itself, the temperature of metal materials and molds (including sand molds, metal molds, ceramic shells, and gypsum molds), and air resistance; The design of the pouring system must fully consider the influence of metal materials and atmospheric conditions. For example, aluminum alloy casting prioritizes bottom pouring systems.

Vacuum pouring

Vacuum pouring refers to the pouring of molten metal at a pressure of several to tens of pascals during pouring, and is carried out inside the pressure vessel. Compared to atmospheric pouring, vacuum pouring also comes into contact with air, but the air is very thin, so the probability of metal liquid oxidation producing oxide inclusions is much lower; In a vacuum state, the probability of generating entangled pores is also very low due to the thin air; The liquid metal will also be refined before pouring, but in comparison, under vacuum condition, due to the low pressure in the Vacuum furnace, the power of degassing, deoxidation and other processes will tend to increase, and the refining of liquid metal in the Vacuum furnace will become more favorable; Due to the increase in vacuum degree, the melting point of the metal is relatively reduced, and the pouring temperature of the metal liquid in vacuum state will correspondingly decrease, which means the degree of overheating is relatively reduced; The fluidity of metal liquid is relatively enhanced; Relatively speaking, the design of the pouring system under vacuum may consider fewer factors.

From the above situation, it can be seen that atmospheric casting requires more complex casting process design and careful consideration to obtain castings of the same quality as vacuum casting under the same conditions, such as the same materials and castings, compared to vacuum casting. In other words, vacuum casting simplifies the casting process relatively. In fact, in both atmospheric and vacuum pouring situations, the flow of molten metal relies on the conversion of gravitational potential energy into flow kinetic energy, and turbulence also occurs. The main reason is that the cross-sectional area of the gate area decreases and increases, causing turbulence. However, under atmospheric conditions, gas and oxide inclusions can be trapped in the mold cavity, resulting in casting defects. The probability of occurrence in a vacuum state is much lower.

Therefore, atmospheric pouring has a relatively wide range of applications and can be applied to castings with low or slightly higher requirements. However, vacuum casting has a relatively narrow range and is generally only suitable for high-quality and demanding castings. For example: aerospace castings. After all, its cost is very high. So, is vacuum casting defect free casting? The answer is certain: No. Vacuum pouring only simplifies the design of the pouring process, but it does not mean that there is no need for design or careful design. We often see aluminum castings produced by vacuum casting, which both have pores and inclusions. Why is this? Vacuum pouring does not mean no air, and the refining effect of molten metal is good, it does not mean perfect; When foreign materials and molds enter the Vacuum furnace, they will also carry gas. Therefore, Vacuum furnace casting will also produce pores, and inclusion is the same reason. It can only be said that it will decrease. Of course, pouring the same set of mold shells in different states will immediately show the effect. The design and operation of both are indeed the same. So we should learn from all atmospheric casting casting enterprises, and if their casting quality level is very high, it should be an example for us to learn from.

Through the above introduction, we believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the two casting methods of investment casting. We provide joint development and one-stop customization services from mold manufacturing to precision casting production, committed to providing high-quality precision casting for the global high-end manufacturing industry. If you have any questions about precision casting and precision casting, please feel free to consult us!

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